Current Series
Exploring artists whose work considers audio and the built environment, this series delves into the ways artists have reexamined the acoustic contours of the sites we inhabit.
Pairing designers with thinkers and activists, this series of articles guest edited by David Gissen forms new collaborations that rework what everyday design could be if freed from concepts of a “normal body.”
Over the past decade, the term “content” has proliferated throughout the public lexicon. But what exactly is content? Media theorists, meme historians, artists, and others explore what content is and who controls he containers.
From radical pioneers of new aesthetics to socially critical collaboratives, as well as those innovators who have been left out of design histories, this series celebrates subversive and rebellious design that
Inviting various voices from both inside and outside of traditional design practices, You Can Judge a Book by Its Cover offers new perspectives on too-often overlooked aspects of book covers.
Insights Design Lectures:
An archive of talks by designers
Past Series
Celebrating the opening of Idea House 3, the series Houses of Ideas looks back at the Walker’s Idea House projects and dives headfirst into in-depth interviews with some of today’s Midwest-based designers.
Flat Files: Work by the Walker design studio
A number of exhibition catalogue texts as well as supplemental lectures and projects, exploring the ways in which designers create, critique, and question possible futures, big and small.
A collection of fictional letters, memos and visual artifacts created by a group of futurists, speculative designers, authors and artists.
A series featuring contemporary designers commenting on how countercultural artists and designers of the 1960s and ’70s have have influenced their work and thinking today.
UNLICENSED investigates contemporary culture’s obsession with bootlegging by turning to designers and artists who exploit this phenomenon in their practices.
An editorial supplement to the conference Superscript: Arts Journalism and Criticism in a Digital Age, featuring commissioned essays by Kimberly Drew, Alexandra Lange, An Xiao Mina, and others.
We check in with some of our favorite publication designers, including Eric Wrenn, Paul Chan, Sandra Kassenaar, and Adam Michaels.
Experimental Jetset, Lucky Dragons, Tomás Saraceno, and others share how 1960s artists featured in the exhibition Hippie Modernism have influenced their work and thinking today.
A deep dive in to the the archives of the Gradient, a design focused publishing strand from the 2010's.